Imig Lab
Full list of publications (link to PubMed) >>>
“MiR-CLIP capture of a miRNA targetome uncovers a lincRNA H19-miR- 106a interaction”,
Imig, J.,* Brunschweiger, A.*, Brümmer, A., Guennewig, B., Mittal, N., Kishore, S., Gerber, A.P., Zavolan, M., and Hall, J.,
Nat Chem Biol, 2015 Feb;11(2):107-14; *equally
“Stereochemical bias introduced during RNA synthesis modulates the pharmacological properties of phosphorothioate siRNAs”,
Jahns, H., Roos, M., Imig, J., Baumann, F., Wang, Y., Gilmour R., and Hall, J.,
Nat Comm, 2015 Mar 6;6:6317
“Targeting an RNA-binding Protein Network in Acute Myeloid Leukemia”,
Wang, E., Lu, S.X., Pastore, A., Chen, X. Imig, J., Chun-Wei, S. Lee, Ghebrechristos, Y.E., Yoshimi, A., Bitner, L., Kloetgen, A., Lin, K.T., Uehara, T., Owa, T., Tibes, R., Krainer, A.R., Abdel-Wahab, O.,* and Aifantis. I.*,
Cancer Cell, 2019, 2019 Mar 18;35(3):369-384.e7, * equally
“Long non-coding RNA GRASLND links melanoma differentiation and interferon-gamma response”
Fischer K.D., Tiwari S., Thier B., Qiu L.C, Tzu-Chen Lin, Paschen A., Imig J.
Front. Mol. Biosci., 27 September 2024, Sec. RNA Networks and Biology, Volume 11 - 2024, https://doi.org/10.3389/fmolb.2024.1471100
„Integrative CRISPR Activation and Small Molecule Inhibitor Screening for lncRNA Mediating BRAF Inhibitor Resistance in Melanoma“
Shamloo, S.; Kloetgen, A.; Petroulia, S.; Hockemeyer, K.; Sievers, S.; Tsirigos, A.; Aifantis, I.; Imig, J. .
Biomedicines 2023, 11, 2054. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines11072054
“Altered BAF occupancy and transcription factor dynamics in PBAF-deficient melanoma”,
Carcamo, S., Nguyen, C.B., Grossi, E., Filipescu, D., Alpsoy, A., Dhiman, A., Sun, D., Narang, S., Imig, J., Martin, T.C., Parsons, R., Aifantis, I., Tsirigos, A., Aguirre-Ghiso, J.A., Dykhuizen, E.C., Hasson, D., Bernstein, E.,
2022, Cell Reports 39, 110637
"Evaluation of RNase L Activation and Anticancer Activity of 2-Amino-thiophenone-3-carboxylates”,
Jimin, H., Borgelt, L., Xiaqiu, Q., Haacke, N., Kanis, L., Gasper, R., Stavroula, P., Lampe, P., Sievers, S., Imig, J., Peng, W.,
2022, ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Volume 58, 116653
“Epigenetic silencing of CDR1as drives IGF2BP3-mediated melanoma invasion and metastasis”,
Hanniford, D., Ulloa-Morales, A., Karz, A., Berzoti-Coelho, M.G., Moubarak, S.R., Sánchez-Sendra, B., Kloetgen, K., Davalos, V., Imig, J., Wu, P., Vasudevaraja, V., Argibay, D., Lilja, K., Tabaglio, T., Monteagudo, C., Guccione, E., Tsirigous, A., Osman, I., Aifantis. I., and Hernando, E.,
Cancer Cell, 2020, Volume 37, Issue 1, 55-70.e15
“MINA-1 and WAGO-4 are part of regulatory network coordinating germ cell death and RNAi”,
Sendoel S., Subasic, S., Ducoli, L., Keller M., Michel M., Kohler, I., Singh, K. D., Zheng, X., Brümmer, A., Imig, J., Kishore, S., Kanitz A., Andres, A., Mittal, N., Wu, Y., Matia-González, A. M., Gerber. A., Zavolan Z., Aebersold. R., Hall, J., Allain. F.H.T., and Hengartner, M.O.,
Cell Death Diff, 2019, 9 Feb 6. doi: 10.1038/s41418-019-0291-z
“Post-transcriptional control of executioner caspases by RNA-binding proteins”,
Subasic, D., Stoeger, T., Eisenring, S., Matia-Gonzalez, A. M., Imig, J., Zheng, X., Xiong, L., Gisler, P., Eberhard, R., Holtackers, R., Gerber, A.P., Pelkmans, L., Hengartner, M.O.,
Genes Dev, 2016 Oct 1;30(19):2213-2225.
„HIV-1 RNAs are not part of the Argonaute 2 associated RNA interference pathway in macrophages”,
Imig, J.,* Vongrad, V.,* Mohammadi, P.,* Kishore, S., Jaskiewicz, L., Hall, J., Günthard, H. F., Beerenwinkel, N., and Metzner, K. J.*;
Plos One, 2015, Jul 30;10(7):e0132127, *equally
“Cooperative target mRNA destabilization and translation inhibition by miR-58 microRNA family in C. elegans”,
Subasic, D., Brümmer, A., Wu, Y., Pinto, S. M., Imig, J., Keller, M., Jovanovic, M., Lightfoot, H. L., Nasso, S., Goetze, S., Brunner, E., Hall, J., Aebersold, R., Zavolan, M. and Hengartner, M. O.,
Genome Res., 2015, Jul 31. pii: gr.183160.114
“Expression of MAGE-C1/CT7 and selected cancer/testis antigens in ovarian borderline tumours and primary and recurrent ovarian carcinomas”,
Zimmermann, A.K., Imig, J., Klar, A., Renner, C., Korol, D., Fink, D., Stadlmann, S., Singer, G., Knuth, A., Moch, H., Caduff, R., 2013,
Virchows Arch., May;462(5):565-74
“Systematic screens of proteins binding to synthetic microRNA precursors”,
Towbin, H., Wenter, P., Guennewig, B., Imig, J., Zagalak, J.A., Gerber, A.P. and Hall, J., 2013,
Nucleic Acids Res., Feb 1;41(3):e47
“The Expression Levels of MicroRNA-361-5p and Its Target VEGFA Are Inversely Correlated in Human Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma”,
Kanitz, A., Imig, J., Dziunycz, P., Primorac, A., Galgano, A., Hofbauer, G.F.L., Gerber, A.P. and Detmar, M., 2012,
Plos one, 7(11):e49568
“MicroRNA-142 is Mutated in About 20% of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL)”,
Kwanhian, W., Lenze, D., Alle, J., Motsch, N., Barth, S., Döll, C., Imig, J., Hummel, M., Tinguely, M., Trivedi, P., Lulitanond, V., Meister, G., Renner C., Grässer, F.A., 2012,
Cancer Medicine, Oct 2012, Vol 1, Issue 2, p i–ii, 105–288
“microRNA profiling of Epstein-Barr virus-associated NK/T cell lymphomas by deep sequencing”,
Motsch, N., Alles, J., Imig, J., Zhu, JY., Barth, S., Reineke, T., Tinguely, M., Cogliatti, S., Dueck, A., Meister, G., Renner, C. and Grässer, F.A., Plos One, 2012,
PLoS One, 2012;7(8):e42193. Epub 2012 Aug 3.
“RNA regulons and the RNA-protein interaction network”,
Imig, J.,* Kanitz, A.* and Gerber, A.P., review,
BioMol Concepts, 2012, Vol 3, issue 5 (Oct 2012), pp. 395 - 486, *equally
“Myc-mediated repression of microRNA-34a promotes high-grade transformation of B-cell lymphoma by dysregulation of FoxP1”,
Craig, V.J., Cogliatti, S.B., Imig, J., Renner, C., Neuenschwander, S., Rehrauer, H., Schlapbach, R., Dirnhofer, S., Tzankov, A., Müller A.,
Blood, 2011, Jun 9;117 (23):6227-36
“microRNA profiling in Epstein-Barr virus-associated B-cell lymphoma”,
Imig, J.*, Motsch N.*, Zhu JY, Barth, S., Okoniewski, M., Reineke T, Tinguely, M., Faggioni, A., Trivedi. P., Meister, G., Renner C., Grässer, F.A.,
Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Mar, 39(5):1880-93, *equally
“Yeast-based identification of prostate tumor antigens provides an effective vaccine platform”,
Jung, V., Fischer, E., Imig, J., Kleber, S., Nuber, N., Reinshagen, F., Kamradt, J., Grobholz R., Knuth, A., Renner, C., Wadle, A.,
Anticancer Res., 2010, 30(3): 895-902
“Allosteric activation of the protein kinase PDK1 with low molecular weight compounds”,
Engel, M., Hindie, V., Lopez-Garcia, L.A., Stroba, A., Schaeffer, F., Adrian, I., Imig, J., Idrissova, L., Nastainczyk, W., Zeuzem, S., Alzari, P.M., Hartmann, R.W., Piiper, A., Biondi, R.M.,
EMBO J. 2006 Nov 29;25(23):5469-80
"Serological immune response to cancer testis antigens in patients with pancreatic carcinomas",
Wadle, Kubuschok, Imig, J. et al.,"
Int J Cancer. 2006 Jul 1;119(1):117-25
“Epac activation converts cAMP from a proliferative into a differentiation signal in PC12 cells”,
Kiermayer, S., Biondi, R.M., Imig, J., Plotz, G., Haupenthal, J., Zeuzem, S. and Piiper, A., 2005,
Mol Biol Cell. Dec;16(12):5639-48
“Characterization of Hap/BAG-1 variants as RP1 binding proteins with antiapoptotic activity”,
Wadle, A., Mischo, A., Henrich, P.P., Stenner-Liewen, F., Scherer, C., Imig, J., Petersen, G., Pfreundschuh, M., Renner, C.,
Int J Cancer. 2005, Jun 28
„Serological identification of breast cancer related antigens from a Saccharomyces cerevisiae surface display library“,
Wadle, A., Mischo, A., Imig, J., Wüllner, B., Hensel, D., Wätzig, K., Neumann, F., Kubuschok, B., Schmidt, W., Old, L.J., Pfreundschuh, M., and Renner, C.,
Int. J. Cancer 2005 Oct 20;117 (1):104-13.