About us
We are part of the
Technical University Dortmund
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Otto-Hahn-Straße 4a
44227 Dortmund, Germany
and co-affiliated with the
Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Physiology
Chemical Genomics Centre
Otto-Hahn-Straße 11
44227 Dortmund, Germany
Our lab is located in the
BioMedizinZentrum (BMZ)
Otto-Hahn-Str. 15
44227 Dortmund, Germany
Dr. Malte Gersch
+49 231 133-2943
Administrative assistance:
Birgit Apprecht
+49 231 133-2602
CGC Coordination:
Dr. Debora Bruzzese
Join the team
PhD students are accepted through the International Max Planck Research School for Living Matter (IMPRS-LM). Interested candidates are requested to apply through its biannual calls, and are welcome to contact Malte individually to discuss options.
Postdoctoral applicants should contact Malte by email, including a statement why you are interested in the lab, a full CV and possible references. Candidates will be supported to secure their own postdoctoral funding.
Students interested in B.Sc. and M.Sc. theses or internships are requested to contact Malte with a short letter of motivation, a CV and a recent transcript of records.
Postdoctoral applicants should contact Malte by email, including a statement why you are interested in the lab, a full CV and possible references. Candidates will be supported to secure their own postdoctoral funding.
Students interested in B.Sc. and M.Sc. theses or internships are requested to contact Malte with a short letter of motivation, a CV and a recent transcript of records.